We Serve Groups, Channels & Servers to help you to find your belonging.
Groupsgyani is world best groups finder used by people to hang out, gain knowledge and talk with their communities. groupsgyani offer various categories groups join link such as Educational groups, Online earning groups, Status groups, Motivational groups, Community Groups, Shayari groups,e-sport groups, PUBG tournament Groups, etc.

Groupsgyani is the best and free platform to promote your WhatsApp groups link, Telegram groups and channels link and Discord server invite link. You can access and join available public WhatsApp groups, Telegram groups and channels and Discord server joining links.
Because Groupsgyani provides 99% active WhatsApp group links and when a person submits there group our algorithm puts that group on top so you always get updated and new group links. And we even have more than 99 categories to find and submit your groups under.
Steps to submit your Group.
- Click on button on the lower right-hand side on the site.
- Fill details of your group such as invite link, tags according to your group info and a little description.
- Click Add Group button on lower left-hand side to sumbit your Group.
- After Reviewing your Group, Admin will approve your Groups if your Group not violate Terms.
Use Contact Us form and provide your group details and our admin will remove your group as soon as possible or also you can change your invite group links.