Prythiliea (ACOTAR & TOG)
Sarah J Maas fans assemble! Looking for a server to discuss all thing Sarah J Maas well 'Prythiliea' is the server for you! We are a fun server based on the 'Throne of Glass' and 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' series by Sarah J Maas. We have roleplay as well as general TOG and ACOTAR book discussions. We are holding a major event soon so make sure to check out ou server quick! Hope you enjoy our server!
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Join the New Furry Alliance discord server! We're a small server who's looking for members.We have friendly admins and owners who'll guide you through the server. We don't have a nsfw chat because we're 100% a sfw server. we offer a very chill place where you can talk about whatever you want. We need members to grow the Alliance,so come join! You won't regret it!