Discord Server Links War Thunder Saloon

War Thunder Saloon

A server dedicated to the game, War Thunder! We have bots, movie nights, giveaways, and more!

Gaming Community Memes giveaway
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The invite link may be reset or expired. You can update this group by simply submit relevant group invite link. *Please read the note before submitting
  • The entered invite link should be relevant with an existing group category, description, title and tags.
  • Newly created group link won't accept whose members less than 2.
  • If submited link not relevant to the existing group that won't be accepted.

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Discord Server Links

This Discord server allows you to play OG Fortnite Battle Royale with your friends! We have an in-depth tutorial on how to play in the Discord, if you would like to experience OG Fortnite again then this is the place!

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