Democrats 69
This is democrats 69 discord server. We are the Social Liberal and Fiscal Conservative party of Adoria. Here we can do Politics, Debate, Government simulation, Green politics, Social liberalism
Politics Debate Government simulation Green politics Social liberalism- The entered invite link should be relevant with an existing group category, description, title and tags.
- Newly created group link won't accept whose members less than 2.
- If submited link not relevant to the existing group that won't be accepted.
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Have you ever wanted to be in government? Want no more! The United States Mock Government is a place for anyone mildly interested in politics to become a politician from the comfort of their own home. Join one of several parties spanning the whole political compass, or be an independent! Work your way to the Supreme Court! All this and more, at USMG!
American Government Simulator is a discord based American political simulation. Here you can have Political Debates, Run in elections, Write your own legislation, Campaign for office, Featuring all three branches of the Federal Government, Three State Governments.