Telegram Group And Channel Links πŸ”² Partido Universal πŸ”²

πŸ”² Partido Universal πŸ”²

Group with great ambitions and with a view to entering politics. Ideology: Conservatism: Pro-life, pro-family, traditionalists, believers and/or respectful of Catholic and Protestant Christianity. State capitalism: Free market, less taxes, anti-communists, pure capitalism with minimal intervention to give greater benefit to the country in question and not for foreign competition from foreign countries. Nationalists: Promote the right of all people with origins in Western Europe to feel proud of their nation, claiming Patriotism. Racial differentiation and the right to fight for our Western European race: Every person of racial origin in Western Europe, regardless of their place of birth, has every right to join us and fight for their race, as well as the right to take as their own homeland the country of Western European roots with which you most identify. More info on the telegram group.

political political party christian capital patriot republican

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π€πŒπ„π‘πˆπ‚π€ππ’ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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