Whatsapp Group Links ✍️📖✍️ MDCAT ASPIRANTS ✍️📖✍️


Dear MDCAT Aspirants, 📌This group is dedicated to sharing resources and information related to entry test exams, particularly ETEA and MDCAT. 📌I'll be sharing: - Chepterwise MCQs discussion - PDF notes - MCQ tests and their solutions (Sunday tests) - Important notifications - And much more!

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SM Job Alert | WhatsApp Channel

WhatsApp Group links
SM Job Alert | WhatsApp Channel

Welcome to SmJobAlert.Com website. This is an education related website. On which every effort is made to deliver the latest news related to education to you first. This website has been launched on 12 March 2024. On this website (portal), you are given the latest news about jobs, education and schemes. Like currently ongoing government recruitments, upcoming recruitments, admit card, exam date, answer key, result, study material etc.

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WhatsApp Group links

Technologytrend is all about sharing knowledge on blogging, digital marketing tips, news, latest technologies & innovations to update the great society.

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Government Job Update 9

WhatsApp Group links
Government Job Update 9

Welcome to Government job whatsapp group. We Provide All State Government Jobs news in India. Join if you10th Pass Job, 12th Pass Job, Graduate Job, ITI Job, Post Graduate Job, Account Job, Data Entry Job.

10th Pass Job 12th Pass Job Graduate Job ITI Job Post Graduate Job Account Job Data Entry Job