Whatsapp Group Links ✍️📖✍️ MDCAT ASPIRANTS ✍️📖✍️


Dear MDCAT Aspirants, 📌This group is dedicated to sharing resources and information related to entry test exams, particularly ETEA and MDCAT. 📌I'll be sharing: - Chepterwise MCQs discussion - PDF notes - MCQ tests and their solutions (Sunday tests) - Important notifications - And much more!

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APPSC GROUPS-Vizianagaram

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APPSC GROUPS-Vizianagaram

Welcome to APPSC GROUPS Vizianagaram WhatsApp Group. APPSC Group exam is a prestigious competitive exam that is conducted to recruit civil servants in the state administration, executive and non-gazetted posts, Junior Accountants in Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service, Panchayat Secretary (Grade- IV) of Andhra Pradesh. Join if you preparing APPSC group exam. Here you will get exam note pdf, questions answered, ask your query.

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